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Mental Health Tech Mastermind

Supercharging your NHS Partnerships

December 2021  - February 2022

Early bird price: £3,995 - 5 spaces remaining

Thank you, we will be in touch

What is Monticle’s Mental Health Tech Mastermind?

We've gathered together an amazing collection of mental health experts, investors, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders who will:

Listen to your ideas and business strategy

Give you their insights so you can supercharge your success

Share behind the scenes insights on what works and what doesn’t

By the end of our truly unique 90 day program you will have learned a systematic process for selling to the NHS (identifying a need, identifying a buyer, presenting your solution in the right way, and finding opportunities) and have a plan in place to increase your chances of success.


How do we do it?

We gather together the best people we know in mental health in the NHS, founders of businesses like yours as well as investors who share their insights... read more

Who Should Join?

Our Mental Health Tech Mastermind is the must-attend program for innovators who want to learn tactical and actionable tools for growth and join an... read more

Who Should Join?
How do we do it?

How it will help you

Finding NHS partners for your mental health innovation can be a long and frustrating process. One that often ends in failure.


Every year, thousands of health care-related innovations fail to find a market, largely due to the complexities of the NHS structure.


We help innovators find NHS partners who will be interested in their innovations and we help you navigate the NHS system. By the end of our program you will know exactly who you need to speak to and what you need to say. And we will help organise meetings with potential partners for you.

How it will help you
Our guest expets

Our guest experts include:


Alex Lewis

NHS Medical Director, senior strategic adviser and health tech enthusiast


Alex Vaughan

Digital Solutions Designer, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


Sami Nur

Digital Health Advisor | Director of Strategic Development and Partnerships


Matthieu Vallin

VC Investor at Octopus Ventures - Future of Health


Adren Tomison

Founder and CEO, Thalamos


Pam Garside

Angel investor and health tech advisor


David Porter

Founding Partner Apposite Capital


Michelle Tempest

Board/Investor/Advisor/Author/Candesic - Health, Care, Digital, AI and Education

Our Schedule

Month 1

Week 1

Mastermind group virtual get together

Week 2

How You Can Help the NHS: Pain Points in Search of Solutions with Dr Alex Lewis, NHS consultant psychiatrist

Week 3

Cocktail pitch with NHS mental health provider organisations

At your convenience

121 session with Catherine

Month 2

Week 1

Mastermind group virtual get together

Week 2

Magic Words: How to Create an Irresistible Value Proposition For the NHS Buyer with Sami Nur, Director of Strategic Development and Partnerships, Feebris

Week 3

Cocktail pitch with NHS mental health commissioners

At your convenience

121 session with Catherine

Month 3

Week 1

Mastermind group virtual get together

Week 2

Building a Successful Mental Health Tech Company in Partnership With the NHS with Arden Tomison, Thalamos

Week 3

Cocktail pitch with investors

Week 4


At your convenience

121 session with Catherine

Our Schedule

Participant accolades



Co-Founder & Chief partnership Officer

I found Monticle’s Health Tech Mastermind extremely useful, both in terms of the breadth of speakers and the discussion with the other attendees. It was valuable to get candid advice from the speakers about our challenges around offering, a free-to-NHS service, to the system.


Catherine is a ‘superconnector’ and an all-round awesome person. The first time I spoke to her, way before I did the Mastermind, she was interested in supporting us and creating opportunities. I wholeheartedly recommend Catherine and Monticle.



Client Services Executive

A huge thank you to Catherine for curating such fantastic sessions during the Health Tech Mastermind. Following each Tuesday morning meeting, I always left feeling inspired for the day by the brilliant speakers, fellow companies that joined and the discussions Catherine sparked.


There are so many shared challenges we all face, uniting in forums that are kind and collaborative like the one that Catherine has created reminds us of this and creates an environment where peers can collectively work out how to overcome them together. 



Founder & CEO

Catherines Health Tech Mastermind program which proved to be a valuable experience.


I have been able to connect with innovators who I may never have met outside of this weekly space.


A highlight of Health Tech Mastermind are the 1-2-1 coaching sessions with Catherine which you can use in the best way for your business. Overall, this programme has helped me think strategically, problem solve, connect with others, identify support and opportunities. 

Participant accolades





Thank you, we will be in touch

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